Monita Nehme vilified Craig to family and friends and made a false statement to Police to hurt him and stop him investigating her two affairs
Craig’s video immediately after the Court hearing. It is a shame that Monita’s false and vexatious accusations actually made it to Court.
But justice prevailed and Craig was found innocent of Monita’s false and untrue accusations.
Where is the justice for the man the is falsely accused of violence in Australia? There seems to be none. Men can be abused too and nobody cares or is interested.
It seems that the NSW Police, in particular Bankstown Police support these crimes and do not even care, the NSW Police actually assist the perpetrators/offenders.
Something needs to change to ensure there is justice for all, for both men and women who have had crimes, domestic viloence and false accusations comitted against them.
a) The first time she changed it (approx. 11 May 2016) was to force Craig to add her on FB (i.e. “I will only communicate with you on Facebook when I am your girlfriend and am changing my number”)
b) The second time she changed it was she wanted an easier to remember number i.e. a silver number (see “Appendix 1, Screen-shot 1”) Monita sent this as a text message to her friends. Craig did not call or text her 1 time since May 11 on either of her first two cellular phone numbers.
The police used this as a reason for defining that Craig had allegedly harassed Monita. Monita lied and twisted the truth into one of her lies. See Constable Mark Ward verbal evidence in court point 50 and also police notebook in evidence
Craig’s leaving video from Bankstown, Sydney. It is a shame that Constable Mark Ward was remiss and in fact incompetent in his duties as a police officer and did not even bother to check the false facts and allegations Monita Nehme had made. Lazy policing by a bad policeman it seems.
How many other people have had false allegations brought against them due to vengeful exs and also incompetent police officers not investigating them.
Craig’s lawyers said unfortunately said these sorts of cases are more common than they should be.
Craig and Monita were enganged. Monita was untruthful in her police statement and said they were not engaged.