Monita Nehme continues to harass Craig by making false, frivioulas and vexations statements against him to police, lawyers, businesses, friends and family.
This needs to stop!
To the right is the last letter Craig sent Monita via her lawyers as he had not had a reply in 5 months.
Their email response was:
Dear Mr Soper,
Please be advised that I do not currently hold instructions to act for Ms Nehme and do not have a forwarding address for her that I consider current.
Craigs email response was:
Thank you for your reply and update.
I hope Monita Nehme’s stalking, harassment and making false (and vexatious) statements against me is finally at an end.
Presumably you’d have her email address and could email the letter. Alternatively, I can send you her parents postal address.
I note I do not want any contact with her and hope you do have her email address so I do not have contact her via a substituted service.
Men are often the victims of violence too. It is a shame there is no protection or justice for men who are abused.
Too often the criminals who abuse, commit violence and crimes are not dealt with by the Police, in particular the Bankstown NSW Police.